Monday, November 22, 2010

I realize that I start a lot of my posts with "it's been a while" or "a lot has happened since last time...".

So I'll stick to tradition and say a lot has happened since the last time I wrote in this thing.

I am no longer sleeping on a couch (my back appreciates this) and have my stuff piled in a closet. My records and clothing are not in the same boxes and I am not stuck with out a place to invite guests to entertain.

I live in central Orange County now which is good and bad, bad because I live here and good because I live 5-10 minutes away from everything I want/need. I live across the street from a target...need I say more?

Riding my bike has never been easier, since this place is not surrounded by hills like south Orange County. I run around a man made lake that has swans and ducks floating on top of the's awesome.

Me and my house mates make awesome food almost every night and like the same far it's been far.

Why are all my sentences sliced up like this?

I don't care.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm content...for now.

I guess medication is working again.